Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It certainly is time I updated my blog. I am way behind.

Kami and Steve were planning a trip to California to take Malia to Disneyland and Sea World. I sort of invited myself since they would be staying at the condo and Jim would already be there. I just didn't want to miss out on the fun! And we did have fun! We had a great time in Disneyland for two days. But....

I also received a phone call from my brother-in-law, telling me my sister Gwen, had passed away. I couldn't believe it. Gwen has had breast cancer for a couple of years and it had matastisized (?) but still, the doctors had given her several more good years of life. But, it was complications caused by the radiation that caused her to get weaker and weaker and finally to just quit breathing and go to sleep. It was a shock to all of us but especially to her dear husband.

Without going into a lot of details I'll just say it was a very difficult weekend for me. The daffodils in her yard were so beautiful the week she died; yellow flowers everywhere! Always and forever yellow daffodils will remind me of Gwen, so I have decided to plant the hillside that faces my backyard, in daffodils. Every spring I will be able to look at a whole hillside of yellow and I will always remember my sweet sister. She was the kindest, sweetest, most gracious and generous person who ever lived and I will miss her terribly.

I love you Gwen.