Thursday, September 10, 2009

I don't write near as often as I should. I just can't imagine that anyone is interested in reading what I have to say. The only people who even know I have a blog are my children and I talk to them several times a day so, it seems rather pointless. But, nevertheless, here goes....

Today was my niece Sherry's husband's funeral. He was a year younger than I am and that is way too young to die. He had been sick for awhile but still, that is way too young to die. He was a very quiet man who loved his family very much. I guess in the big scheme of things that is all that really matters.

Anyway things like funerals, (which we have had a lot of, lately) always get me to thinking about my own mortality. Am I ready to die if I should get hit by a bus tomorrow? No one is really ever 'ready' to die, but by that I mean am I right with all the people I love? Do they know how I feel about them? Am I truly trying to improve on the person I was yesterday and working to be even better tomorrow? Do my children know how I feel about the "important things" in life? Have I taught them what is important? Have I spent my time here on earth, wisely or have I wasted time on frivolous things?

More than my own mortality I think about Jim or one of my children or grandchilden dieing. Could I get through that? My mind can't even go there....

There are too many things I haven't done yet, to die. I want to read all the good books there are to read; I want to see my grandchildren all grow up and I want to be important in their lives; I want to go to Italy and to Ireland and Tahiti and Africa; I want to scuba dive, I want to run five miles without stopping (or passing out); I want to go sailing with Jim, Yes, I want to skydive! I want to write a book, give a seminar, market an invention and be on Oprah, (for whatever it is I did, not because I admire Oprah!) Anyway, the list goes on and on....

So, I ask myself, "What did you do today to move a step closer to a goal?" And I have to say, "Nothing!" Why is that? We realize our time here is short and we could die at any time but we don't seem to get to the things we really want to do because "everyday life" gets in the way. That is the challenge.

That's enough profound thinking for one night.